Rope Fast Bee Rope New Edition

Rope Fast manufactured in aluminum with double bearing, self -adjustable and without keys, ideal for double jumps and high intensity training.


Color: Fern

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Rope rapid manufactured in aluminum with double bearing And without keys, Rope autoajustable. Now with O -ring to improve your grip and with a design of the more ergonomic fist For a perfect execution of our double jumps. Extremely fast and light

Various colors: 

  • Mango: Blue + Cable: Rose
  • Mango: Black + Cable: Yellow
  • Mango: Green + Cable: White

Technical characteristics:

  • 14 cm mango. 3 meters/ 2.5 mm cable
  • Possibility of acquiring interchangeable cables In different colors.
  • Rope Autoajustable: With system Key -free cable change.
  • System of Double bearing.
  • Ergonomic fist: reduces fatigue and provides greater precision.
  • Better grip with toric joints.
  • Uses: inside and out of gym, at home, wods of cross training, hyrox, boxing or sports warming. Perfect for double jumps or if what you need is to bring your performance and coordination to the limit.

Composition of the Rope High speed: 

  • Mango: Aluminum
  • Cable coating: PVC
  • Cable: Steel

Product care: 

Do not use on abrasive surfaces.

Environmental benefits  

Optimized packaging with less environmental impact 

Do you have any questions or doubt about the Rope fast? Contact us and help you.


Para garantizar la durabilidad y el rendimiento óptimo de tu comba, sigue estos cuidados y consejos de mantenimiento:

- Almacenamiento adecuado: Guarda la comba en su bolsa de transporte para protegerla de la humedad, el polvo y posibles daños. Evita dejarla expuesta al sol o en lugares húmedos.

- Limpieza regular: Limpia las empuñaduras y el cable con un paño suave y seco después de cada uso. No utilices productos químicos agresivos, ya que pueden dañar los materiales.

- Inspección del cable: Revisa periódicamente el estado del cable y, si observas desgaste o daños, reemplázalo para evitar roturas durante el entrenamiento.

- Ajuste del cable: Asegúrate de ajustar el cable correctamente en el cabezal. Si haces ajustes frecuentes, revisa que esté bien sujeto para evitar que se afloje durante el uso.

- Evitar superficies abrasivas: Usa la comba en superficies lisas para prolongar la vida útil del cable y evitar el desgaste prematuro.


Shipping is free worldwide for orders over 60€, with a delivery time between 24-72h for Spain, and 3-5 days for all of Europe and International. Personalization will take between 2 and 10 business days. If your personalized product is included in an order with multiple items, we will ship all items in one shipment.

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